Wednesday 29 January 2020

Early morning reflections

Woke up very early a morning (4 AM) only to realised that there were only 14 weeks left until labour! LABOR! I have so much things to do. Baby bedroom, save money, buy baby stuff, declutter, making home safe for baby, laundry (laundry? Don't ask)... Also, thinking I would be hell of a pain! A human being would come out of my vajayjay!

Then in my anxiety attack, little one gave me a kick. I became aware of my hormones. I took a deep breath, took out my bullet journal. I wrote down all my to do list for:
  • Things to do/buy 
  • My hospital bag
Ouffff stupid hormones! It was high time to get this list out of my head. 


Speaking of list, I haven't done a proper 2020 goals. Last year, I did not allow myself to sit & blog to share with you my 2019 goals. I know we are 29 days into 2020, but lets approach life with "better late than never" until things become tractable. 

2020 Motto

"Focus more on the present". I tend to think of the future too much, daydreaming or thinking situations that could have been done another way. Too much thinking of the future or the past made me unable to focus on my actual task. 

Less social media

It is a total waste of time scrolling through the never ending feed. This time could be converted into something productive.

It is also more or less related to my 2020 motto. By scrolling too many times, I have more thoughts bouncing in my mind. It drags me away from the present. 

Blogging even with a full time job AND motherhood

It is a place I can go deeper into my feelings. Blogging has always been a big part of me. At the beginning, I've done it to showcase my drawings & illustrations. Since then, I have grown a lot. I also found love in writing content & photography here.

Almost 7 years of blogging now! That shows how much this little world means to me. So I'm not giving up on blogging.

My body is a temple

Whenever I felt bad, I learnt to slow down & took a break. Things that I should focus on this year also. As a 1st time mum to be, I know that would be tough, but let's try.


I love being alone & do my thing. Writing, drawing or sewing... In short, doing solo activity. On the other hand, I forgot to socialize with people other than Poussin.

I should connect with those who matter, remember how lucky I am having them in my life & have meaningful conversations.

Ask help

I learnt the hard way. I didn't ask for help in tough situations. I know I will need my people more than ever this year (Hello 1st time mum to be).


Thank you Marie Kondo! I didn't know there was a book dedicated to cleaning. I need to organise myself in decluttering my space & always keep it clean!

Cozy home

A house that feel like home. With aroma, plants, lot's of pillow or frame that would contain either my art or photography. 

Stay healthy

Pretty cliché right? Since the beginning of my pregnancy, I struggled at keeping a balanced diet. Again, those god damn hormones! I have developed a massive sweet tooth. This is a reminder for the future me.

Capture moments

"Captured because one day they all will be memories again"

Okay, those were my 2020 goals. What were yours last year? Did you achieve them? Do you have any goals for this year?

Good luck along your creative way

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